OPM letter…

I knew it was coming… It’s like a REALLY bad Halloween prank…

OPM letter blanked

I’ll take the fee credit monitoring, etc… It’s not like I’m not ALREADY on a bunch of lists…

Of note, I didn’t see any mention of fingerprints, which I know they also got…




Ghouls, goblins, and ghosties abounding…


Some interesting ‘facts’ about halloween, and no I haven’t fact checked them all… YMMV… 🙂

-In many countries, such as France and Australia, Halloween is seen as an unwanted and overly commercial American influence.

-There’s a $1,000 fine for using or selling Silly String in Hollywood on Halloween. The prank product has been banned since 2004 after thousands of bored people would buy it on the streets of from illegal vendors and “vandalise” anything and everything. The city ordinance calls for a maximum $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail for “use, possession, sale or distribution of Silly String in Hollywood from 12:01 AM on October 31 to 12:00 PM on November 1”.

-Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian/car accident on Halloween than on any other night.

-Orange and black are Halloween colours because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death.

-No matter how scary your local haunted house is, it probably can’t top the Haunted Cave in Lewisburg, Ohio. Measuring 3,564 feet long, the Guinness World Records has named it the world’s longest haunted house. Even spookier: It’s located 80 feet below ground in an abandoned mine.

-In 1964, Helen Pfeil of Greenlawn, NY was arrested for handing out arsenic laced treats as a prank on teens she deemed too old for trick or treating.

-Scarecrows, a popular Halloween fixture, symbolise the ancient agricultural roots of the holiday.

-Candy makers supposedly lobbied to extend daylight savings time into the beginning of November to get an extra hour of daylight so children could collect even more candy (thus forcing people to purchase more candy to meet the demand). They wanted it so badly that during the 1985 hearings on Daylight Savings they put candy pumpkins on the seat of every senator.

-The largest pumpkin ever measured was grown by Norm Craven, who broke the world record in 1993 with an 836 lb. pumpkin.

-Jack O’ Lanterns are pumpkins with a lighted candle inside. According to Irish legend, Jack O’ Lanterns are named after a stingy man named Jack who, because he tricked the devil several times, was forbidden entrance into both heaven and hell. Therefore, he was condemned to wander the Earth, waving his lantern to lead people away from their paths.

-Halloween wouldn’t be the same without pumpkins, and thankfully, there are plenty of gourds to go around. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s statistics, the top pumpkin-producing states produced 1.1 billion pounds of pumpkins in 2010.

-Stephen Clarke holds the record for the world’s fastest pumpkin carving time: 24.03 seconds, smashing his previous record of 54.72 seconds. The rules of the competition state that the pumpkin must weigh less than 24 pounds and be carved in a traditional way, which requires at least eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth.

-Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.

-Halloween has variously been called All Hallows’ Eve, Witches Night, Lamswool, Snap-Apple Night, Samhaim, and Summer’s End.

-Trick-or-treating was brought to America by the Irish and became popular during the early 20th century, but died out during WWII when sugar was rationed. After the rationing ended in 1947, children’s magazine “Jack and Jill” radio program “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” and the “Peanuts” comic strip all helped to re-popularise the tradition of dressing up in costumes and asking for candy from door-to-door. By 1952, trick-or-treating was hugely popular again.

-The first known mention of trick-or-treating in print in North America occurred in 1927 in Blackie, Alberta, Canada.

-Candy Corn was invented by George Renninger, a candy maker at the Wunderle Candy Company of Philadelphia in the 1880’s. Candy Corn was originally called “butter cream candies” and “chicken feed” because corn was commonly used as food for livestock. They even had a rooster on the candy boxes. Candy Corn had no association with Halloween or fall, and was sold seasonally from March to November. After World War II, advertisers began marketing it as a special Halloween treat due to its colours that match those of the fall harvest.

-Since it was thought the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead blurred on Oct. 31, which allowed the dead to walk among the living, humans would wear masks and costumes so the spirits would not recognise them as human.

-The biggest pumpkin pie on record was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds. It wasbaked by the New Breman Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio in 2010, breaking their own previous world’s record of 2,020 pounds. The ginormous orange pie contained 1,212 pounds of pumpkin, 233 dozen eggs, 109 gallons of evaporated milk, 525 pounds of sugar, 7 pounds of salt, and 14.5 pounds of cinnamon.

-Both Salem, Massachusetts, and Anoka, Minnesota, are the self-proclaimed Halloween capitals of the world.

-Americans purchase nearly 600 million lbs. of candy a year for Halloween. What does that look like? Imagine 16 billion fun size Snickers bars or 158 trillion individual Candy Corns. A whopping 90 million lbs. of chocolate candy is sold during Halloween week, taking a strong lead compared to other holidays. Almost 65 million pounds is sold during the week leading up to Easter and only 48 million pounds during Valentine’s week.

-Valentine’s Day is no longer the sweetest national holiday – at least when it come to candy sales. More than twice as much chocolate is sold for Halloween than is for Valentine’s Day.

-With their link to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (a precursor to Halloween) and later to witches, cats have a permanent place in Halloween folklore. During the ancient celebration of Samhain, Druids were said to throw cats into a fire, often in wicker cages, as part of divination proceedings.

-Trick-or-treating has been around for a long time, with versions existing since medieval times. Originally, it was called “guising” and children and poor adults wore costumes and begged for food or money in exchange for songs or prayers during Hallowmas. This practice was also called “souling”.

-In 2010, an Illinois town became the latest city to ban trick-or-treating for kids over 12. Teens can face fines from $100 to $1,000 for going door-to-door although according to officials, more often than not, over-age Halloween-goers are just given a warning.

-Chocolate candy bars top the list as the most popular candy for trick-or-treaters with Snickers #1.

-One of parents’ biggest fears is that their child’s Halloween candy is poisoned or contains razor blades. In reality, there are only two known cases of poisoning, and both involved relatives. In 1970, a boy died of a heroin overdose. The investigators found it on his candy, but in a twist they later discovered the boy had accidentally consumed some of his uncle’s heroin stash, and the family had sprinkled some on the candy to cover up the incident. Even more horrifically, in 1974 Timothy O’Bryan died after eating a Pixy Stix his father had laced with cyanide to collect on the insurance money.

-1978 cult slasher film, Halloween was made in just 21 days on a shoestring budget. The movie was shot in the Spring and used fake autumn leaves. The mask used by Michael Meyers in the movie was actually William Shatner’s mask painted white which the prop department found in a costume store. When Shatner found out years later, he said he was honoured by the gesture.

-Scottish girls believed they could see images of their future husband if they hung wet sheets in front of the fire on Halloween.

-According to the U.S. Census Bureau, California leads the nation in non-chocolate confectionary production. Out of the 409 sites that manufacture non-chocolate confections in the U.S., California is home to 45 of them.

-Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday after Christmas.

-More than 93% of American children under the age of 12 go trick-or-treating. 67% of adults take part in Halloween activities, such as parties, decorating the house, and trick-or-treating with their children.

-Candy corn has been made with the same recipe by the Jelly Belly Candy Company since around 1900. What’s in that recipe, exactly? Sugar, corn syrup, and marshmallow. One serving (about 30 pieces) has 140 calories, the equivalent of three miniature Hershey bars.

-During the pre-Halloween celebration of Samhain, bonfires were lit to ensure the sun would return after the long, hard winter. Often Druid priests would throw the bones of cattle into the flames and, hence “bone fire” became “bonfire”.

-Over 10% of pet owners dress their pets in Halloween costumes. A study from the National Retail Federation shows Americans spent over $300 million on pet costumes last year!

-Got leftover Halloween candy? Save it for later! Dark and milk chocolates can last up to two years if stored in a dry, odour-free spot. Hard candy can last up to a year, while unopened packages of candy corn can last nine months.

-According to tradition, if a person wears his or her clothes inside out and then walks backwards on Halloween, he or she will see a witch at midnight.

-Over $1.5 billion is spent on costumes each year and more than $2.5 billion on other Halloween paraphernalia.

-Chocolate is clearly the preferred choice of sweets for many. Of the $1.9 billion sold in Halloween candy each year, $1.2 billion was on chocolate candy and only $680 million on sugar candy.

-The fear of Halloween is known as Samhainopobia.

-The Village Halloween parade in New York City is the largest Halloween parade in the United States. The parade includes 50,000 participants and draws over 2 million spectators.

-If you see a spider on Halloween, it is considered a good luck, as it means the spirit of a loved one is guarding you.

-In 2015, an estimated 3.2 million children are expected to dress up in princess costumes, making it the most popular kids’ costume for the eleventh straight year. Batman characters are the next most popular.

-Boston, Massachusetts, holds the record for the most Jack O’Lanterns lit at once (30,128).

-Ever wonder how the broomstick became associated with witches? Elderly women who were accused of witchcraft were usually poor and could not afford horses, so they would use a walking stick, which was often replaced by a broom, to help them travel.

-Halloween is thought to have originated around 4000 B.C., which means Halloween has been around for over 6,000 years.

-Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honouring the dead. Halloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.

-Halloween celebrations in Hong Kong are known as Yue Lan or the “Festival of the Hungry Ghosts” during which fires are lit and food and gifts are offered to placate potentially angry ghosts who might be looking for revenge.

-Owls are associated with Halloween because, in Medieval Europe, owls were thought to be witches. To hear an owl’s call meant someone was about to die.

-Even though the economy is tightening everyone’s budget, that does not stop them from splurging a bit on this one holiday. The average American household spends $44 a year on Halloween candy. Now, that’s a lot of candy.

-Many shelters don’t allow black cats to be adopted around Halloween for fear that they may be tortured or sacrificed.

-San Francisco is the number 1 U.S. city for trick-or-treating.

-90% of parents admit to sneaking goodies from their kids’ Halloween trick-or-treat bags.

-Candy Corn is the most searched-for candy term in Google – more popular than candy apples, gummy worms and candy pumpkins.

-50% of kids prefer to receive chocolate candy for Halloween, compared with 24% who prefer non-chocolate candy and 10% who preferred gum.

-More than 35 million pounds of candy corn will be for Halloween. That equates to nearly 9 billion pieces – enough to circle the moon nearly 4 times if laid end-to-end.

-Parents are expected to spend $1.04 billion on children’s costumes-and if they’re on trend, most of the cash will go toward pumpkin, princess, witch or vampire getups.

-Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween.

-Black cats, spiders, and bats are all Halloween symbols because of their spooky history and ties to Wiccans. All three were thought to be the familiars of witches in the middle ages, and are often associated with bad luck. Bats are even further connected to Halloween by the ancient Samhain ritual of building a bonfire, which drove away insects and attracted bats.

-Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.

I’m more afraid of the left over candy… burp…


I’m just gonna say OUCH!!! And go curl up in the corner till the good drugs kick in…

Ride a ‘bike’?  Really??? Flexion? It DOESN’T bend that far…

I swear, not only was she trained by the Marquis de Sade, I think she has Vlad the Impaler in her family tree…


And that middle European accent asking “Does this hurt?” Just doesn’t help…

When we were finished, she asked, “Oh, did I hurt you?”

“Nope, these are tears of joy that I survived!”

It’s gonna be a long six weeks…

Getting better…

Soooo…. PP ‘gifts’ me with a balloon…get well

After she withholds my coffee…

She’s headed back to her family, and probably glad to be rid of me at this point. I know I’ve been a ‘tad’ grumpy the last few days.

But I really appreciated her being here… You never realize how truly helpless you are, until a leg is down and you’re stuck on crutches. You can’t carry anything, can’t do all those ‘normal’ things, like making coffee, etc… All those things one doesn’t think about.

We chatted about how she’d felt after her hip surgery, and how much of a PITA it was. Now I see what she was talking about. Simple things like putting dishes away, silverware, etc.

But I start therapy tomorrow, with my ‘favorite’ Marquis de Sade disciple… I really think she ‘enjoys’ pain, as long as it’s mine… Sigh…

But as many of y’all have told me, the PT is the critical part to a full recovery, so I will do it (whining and crying all the way). 🙂

Thanks for all the good thoughts, they are appreciated. Now that I’m pretty much off the drugs, I’ll be getting back to writing on the book.

Well, well, well…

BO is once again spewing blame hither and yon…

President Obama on Tuesday dismissed the notion that he is seeking to take away people’s firearms as he delivered his latest call for stronger gun laws. 

Speaking to police chiefs in Chicago, Obama sought to rebut the argument made by conservatives, which he said is designed to stoke fear.

Before his speech, Obama met with the spouses and children of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, as well as families of bystander victims of gun violence in Chicago, the White House said. 

“I refuse to accept the notion that we couldn’t have prevented some of those murders, and suicides and kept more families whole,” the president said. 

From The Hill Blog- HERE.

He’s more or less promising executive orders to ‘deal’ with the issue, since all his gun control packages have died a quick death under the scrutiny of Congress…

From the NRA, Wayne LaPierre calls out Obama in the video HERE

“He (Obama) has all the laws he needs to stop the bloodshed now. Under the existing federal gun laws, he could take every felon with a gun, drug dealer with a gun and criminal gangbanger with a gun off the streets tomorrow and lock them up for five years or more. But he won’t do it, his justice department won’t do it, and the media never asks why.”

“The NRA has demanded the strongest possible prosecution of the federal gun laws for over 20 years. Our repeated calls have been met by deafening silence from Washington’s elites. President Obama and Hillary Clinton and other politicians use the carnage to campaign for more gun laws “they won’t and don’t enforce.”

Here are some ‘facts’… Ironic facts considering BO’s stance…


  • In 2010, federally-conducted NICS checks denied 72,659 transactions. As a result of NICS denials occurring in 2010, BATFE referred a total 62 charges against 33 individuals to federal prosecutors.

So what happened to the OTHER 72,597? Crickets…

  • According to The Chicago Sun-Times, felons in Chicago who illegally possess a gun typically receive a four-year sentence – a penalty on the low end of the state sentencing guidelines. In addition to lax sentencing, most people convicted of these gun crimes serve less than half of their prison terms, allowing them to return to criminal behavior. About a third of people charged with simple gun possession and about half charged with being a felon in possession of a gun in 2012 were rearrested for another crime by the end of 2013. Those charged with simple gun possession had an average of four prior arrests,while those charged with gun possession by a felon had an average of 10 prior arrests. Police have made 12,967 arrests since 2000, yet city attorneys have won just 2,068 convictions.

Again, where are the convictions? And what happened to the other 10,000+? Back on the streets???

  • Turning to the Chicago Police Department’s 2011 Chicago murder analysis, one might be surprised to learn that nearly nine in 10 murder suspects have criminal records. That’s right – 90 percent of the murders committed in Chicago involve a suspected perpetrator with a criminal history.

Is anyone surprised by this? Bad guys doing bad things and ignoring laws… Sigh…

Guest post by PP..

Well, well, well… I get to be a guest poster!! By no means am I a writer so bear with me, plus daddy has a space (ergonomic my left toe!!) keyboard and I feel like a kid, unable to figure out how to type on it!

Let me tell you a story about the last 7 days where I have  had the pleasure of taking care of 2 active cranky two-year olds…who you ask? Enter my lovely dad and my grandfather! They both. out of great love for me, had the luck to fall apart at the same time. My grandfather had to have a total hip replacement and my dad needed a knee clean up (in my best intercom voice…”clean up on aisle 7″). So I get a phone call from my grandfather saying his surgery is scheduled on Oct 22. Then a week later my dad call me and tells me his surgery is on…wait for it…YEP Oct 22!! Well here comes the dilemma they are of course 2842 miles apart!! Deciding they are trying to kill me…I had to ask one of them to move it…hero dad for getting his rescheduled…a whole 4 days later.

Oct 21 comes around I get off a lovely hell of a 48 hour shift drive 2 hour home from work, pick up Jace and my Grandfather and we drive the hour to the hospital for Pre-Op. Jace had a lovely nap and was all perky when entering the hospital where we of course went to the wrong place and found out he had not just one appointment but two! Mom brain freaks out at this…did I pack enough snacks? Food? Distractions? As with any doctor’s office they were over an hour late, and by the time they came in Jace was past the point of being content.

Training point here for anyone taking care of family members, make sure you know their history going in!!! Somewhere in the dark abyss of his medical chart it has been added that he has a condition where he will die if he were to go under general anesthesia… Umm nope! Dear lady remember me fighting this for 2 months last year??? Well then she brings out the ringer, oh Mr. Carter and looks like you had a testicle removed? Umm, Grandpa looks at me I look at him and we both go, uhh, no pretty sure we would both remember that and God bless Grandpa who states “Well I’m pretty sure I am still feeling 2 of them down there! The RN then gives us prescriptions that have to be filled that night so he can take them before surgery. Next stop Pre-Op in the surgery center where we go through ALL the exact same questions again, couldn’t we have streamlined this and all been in the same room? Jeez! We were still in the same hospital!

Mad rush after that to get to the pharmacy to fill said prescriptions he just had to have. Fast forward to 0600 the next morning and drop Jace off at daycare, drive an hour again to wait for surgery, answer all the same questions over again. Kiss himbye bye and I’m off to amuse myself waiting. Doc finally comes out and has his typical 20 second conversation which I remember none of the questions I have for him. Get to recovery and he is all perky and feeling great! Surgery a success and he will be coming home tomorrow pending perky young RN in training… Who keeps asking me what she is supposed to do, as he is puking his guts out, because Grandpa tells everyone, and I do mean everyone he passes I am a Paramedic Battalion Commander (which sounds like I run an alien ship and everyone looks at him like he has lost his marbles). FYI I don’t recommend the tapioca pudding right after surgery.  Next morning after a long night I drive back to the hospital pick him up and bring him home where he feels great and is walking around.

There was a lot of Grandpa go take a nap you need your rest…and his response “I don’t need a nap I feel great.” Grandpa your hip is still numb, do not push it! Fast forward that night and the pain has kicked in but he doesn’t want to take the pain pills. Finally gives in after a night of calling me to come in and help him turn, put his leg straight, get him up to pee, and on and on. Jace is great at bringing him ice packs, taking him food and bringing his food to the kitchen. Grandpa on the other hand is acting like a picky 2 year old. Doesn’t want to eat, but yet he eats the apple pie, doesn’t want to take his pills, doesn’t want his ice pack…This goes on for 2 days!

Sunday I get up at the awesome time of 0200 to drive to the airport, leaving Grandpa in the hands of Jace and my husband…sorry honey! Giggle Giggle..I’m free! Plane ride to other side of the county..Daddy’s turn! Now he has already done Pre-Op…yipee, but has to be there at 0615….really?? Does no one ever do anything at 1000 in the morning? Get to surgery center and go to one waiting room for 20 minutes then they moved us to a “sub” waiting room??? Finally go back and RN does the quick and dirty medical history but she can’t find her head from her ass! Comes in the room, goes out of the room; oh you have question well let me find out, walks out and comes back and forgot the question. Sigh…

This is not making my medic brain feel strongly about this! Doc is late of course, comes in for 10 seconds then is gone. Ok kick me out…no good byes. Play the waiting game again. Surgery over and 2 for 2 done and went great! Huge sigh of relief for me. Wait to go to recovery where they have him and first thing he asks for is his phone….um no Daddy you cannot have your phone! No calling people all doped up! Of course they waited to give his prescriptions after his surgery so I had to take him and sit him in the car while I ran into to get them! When we get home does he want a pain pill? No he wants COFFEE! You think these boys would listen as I kinda do this for a living…but NO!

Daddy decides he wants to play on the computer after eating bacon and eggs! Finally agrees to take pain pill but will not lay down for a nap…this sounds familiar?? Right??? Finally goes down and I lay down for nap and he calls me on the phone from the bedroom..he is stuck and wants to roll over. Giggling the whole time I roll him over. Thinking finally nap time and no more cranky 2 year old…nope! Wakes up doesn’t want to eat dinner he wants oreos. More of him saying he hurts… Take pain pills… No I don’t wanna… Take them! You need to eat…I don’t wanna…you have to eat with your meds… I don’t wanna. What are you doing?? I want this… Use your words, not just random pointing!

Sit down…put your ice pack on…I can’t feel it…its not working. Then he wants to take a shower… Ummm, Daddy sorry but no. You would have thought I took away his favorite toy…put cranky boy to bed. Long sigh or relief… close my eyes and hear clunk, clunk, clunk of crutches down the hall… Daddy what are you doing? I have to pee… Sigh,  didn’t you do that before you laid down? No, I didn’t have to then!

This has been the adventures of a week in the life of PP…thanks for coming along with me. On a serious note, throughout all of the struggles and lack of sleep this last week I am a very very lucky lady to have these 2 wonderful special men in my life for my son to look up to. They drive me crazy at times but I wouldn’t trade them in for anything. I am blessed both came through surgery great and are on the road to recovery.

In lieu of content…

Some times all one can do is laugh…


And other times all one can do is shake their heads in wonder…perspectives

Anyone that thinks the left isn’t out to get us, REALLY needs to take off the rose colored glasses, and get a reality check…

Out for a couple of days…

Gonna be offline for a couple of days, minor surgery to fix the ongoing knee problems.

Go read the folks on the sidebar, and I’ll get an update up as soon as I can coherently put thoughts together.


PP has flown in to boss me around (again)… Sigh…

How stupid are we???

The war started in the 7th century and lasted through the 17th.  I would contend it never stopped but historically the facts below are correct.  This is why I choke when I hear someone say we will defeat or contain these Islamic terrorists in a few years or even 30 years as recently stated by Leon Panetta.

If the latest batch of murders, beheadings, and killing of innocent Christians has shocked you, maybe you should read this compilation of historical facts about the hatred of Muslims.


This is all factually (and historically) correct – and verifiable:

  • In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martel. In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/ Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern Europe in the Battle of Lepanto.
  • In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

…this crap has been going on for 1,400 years and half of the politicians don’t even know it.

  • If these battles had not been won we might be speaking Arabic and Christianity could be non-existent; Judaism certainly would be… And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler’s guest in Berlin and raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions who killed Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other “subhumans”.


A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

  • In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by—you guessed it was a Muslim male. (Plus two other American journalists were just beheaded)
  • On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim males.
  • In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim males.
  • In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim males.
  • During the 1980’s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim males.
  • In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.
  • In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim males.
  • Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history. They really happened!  Do you remember?
  • In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.
  • In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach. It was blown up shortly after landing by Muslim males.
  • In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.
  • In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.
  • In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males.
  • In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.
  • In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim males.
  • In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim males.
  • In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslim males.

No, I really don’t see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, political correctness mandates we will no longer be allowed to profile certain people.

So, ask yourself “Just how stupid are we???”

h/t JP

Blogshoot quick hit…

The usual suspects made their appearance(s), at the WV shoot, sadly some of the regulars were unable to attend due to sickness, family or school obligations. Y’all were missed!!!

Old school vs. new school… SP-1 vs. Jay G‘s custom build that he did!

old new 2

Turning $$ into smoke and noise… One bullet at a time, 100 yard range… Steels were shot, fun was had, and I didn’t get any pics of the holes put in the steel by the Barrett M-82, but DAYUM that thing is loud!smoke and noise

I’m almost embarrassed to post this target, but this is what happens when one doesn’t practice… sigh… 10 yards, 1/4 size target. I was all over the place…

Note to self- Get to the @#$R&$ range!!!Blogshoot target

And as always, we adjourned for food and conversation… Which went everywhere… 🙂steak

Thanks to Murph for the hosting, and we raised a little over $600 for charity today. His pics and report are HERE!

Funniest thing (to me), Larry the Historian (who owns the Barrett), shooting my tricked out suppressed .22 with subsonic ammo… He was giggling like a little kid as he dinged the steel at 100 yards and the ding was louder than the rifle… 🙂

Now the cleaning starts… sigh…

Y’all stay safe, and shoot ’em good!