An ‘interesting’ document if you want to get a feel for how the USSR planned to kill the US, Brit and French carriers…

Suffice to say Kamikaze plans were alive and well…

Document link is HERE.

As one of the commenters said last week, John Q. Public has absolutely no idea how close things came a few times…

And Putin is putting all those ‘players’ back in motion today. Probing, flying ‘training’ missions in the Baltic, pushing a Russian surface group back into the Med, etc.

Today, we don’t have access to a lot of the bases we needed then and may need again. The Brits no longer have an ASW aircraft in their Fleet, neither do the Dutch.  The French and Germans are still flying Atlantiques, and the Spanish are still flying P-3s…

Playing ‘tag’ with the Bears was always a challenge, and while there was ‘some’ camaraderie (hey, we’re all airdales regardless of country), they’d still do their damnest to knock us out of the air if we screwed up.  We’d show them Playboys and they’d shoot us the bird, or we’d show them beer and they’d show us vodka…

Bear and P3

From Wikipedia (HERE)

A Soviet Tu-142M aircraft (NATO code “Bear F Mod 3”) being escorted by a U.S. Navy Lockheed P-3C-155-LO Orion (BuNo 159319) of patrol squadron VP-45 Pelicans, on 6 March 1986.

Not my squadron, not my airplane in this case… 🙂 But the time period is right…

h/t Stretch

Posted in TBT

PSA- Flashlight Apps on smart phones…

500 million downloads nationwide so far…

Top ten flashlight aps are malware that log all your contact, position and transactions and send the data to one of three countries, China, Russia and India.    Can’t just wipe the app, you have to wipe the app and then reset the phone to factory defaults to wipe out the Trojan code area.

You may have this on your phone!

For a list of the apps use the link HERE.


Posted in PSA

A little ‘humor’ for hump day…

A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving
relationship with your husband.  The women were asked, “How many of…  you love your
husband?” All the women raised their hands.

Then they were asked, “When was the last time you told your husband you
loved him?” Some women answered today, a few yesterday, and some couldn’t
remember.  The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text
their husband: “I love you, sweetheart.”

The women were then told to exchange phones with another person, and to
read aloud the text message they received, in response.

Here are some of the replies:

1.  Who the hell is this?

2.  Eh, mother of my children, are you sick or what?

3.  Yeah, and I love you too.  What’s up with you??

4.  What now?  Did you wreck the car again?

5.  I don’t understand what you mean?

6.  What the ___ did you do now?

7.  You’re kidding, right ?

8.  Don’t beat about the bush; just tell me how much you need?

9.  Am I dreaming?

10.  If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, someone will

11.  I thought we agreed you wouldn’t drink during the day.  (my favorite)

12.  Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn’t she???
h/t JP

Veterans Day…

Since I’m on the road, I’ll have a quiet dinner with a few cousins tonight. I would ask that you remember the veterans in your family, and thank them for their service.

To my fellow veterans. I still remember the day I said these words:

“I, (State Your Name), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

As has been stated many times, I have never been relieved of that oath.

One other thing you might do is consider this-


The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.

Link is HERE.

Of note, this is available to ALL veterans, regardless of rank or service.  It’s a chance for the ‘little people’ to be heard, not just the commanders.  If you know a WWI, Korea, Vietnam or GWI or GWOT vet, get them to participate. Let us leave a legacy for the following generations.

Happy Birthday…

The Marines are 239 years young… Not bad for a bunch that started in a bar…



Ten Hut!

Hand Salute!

Ready, Two…

Go buy it!!!

Our own DaddyBear has published his first book!


It’s available on Amazon HERE!

I was very honored to be asked to Beta read this one, and DB has done an excellent job of ‘getting it on paper’…

Humor, life lessons through the eyes of a barbarian (yes there are some), and just plain entertaining reading!

Highly recommended!!!

WWII Poster…

Back on track, and we’re back with the Army.

This one is different, in that it’s a picture of a Sergeant ‘leading’ troops over the top.

WWII Army 2

He’s carrying a Garand, with an M1905 bayonet, and it looks like probably mid-war period items. I’m not an expert on the equipment, so I could be wrong.

This was done by the Army Recruiting Publicity Bureau, and I can’t find much more information than that.


Is playing my song… again…

Tying in work and a little down time.  Go read the folks on the sidebar, the ice cream machine is in the shop for cleaning!

Light blogging/commenting all week.

A Funny…

You don’t see me…

I’m invisible…


Just a bump on the tree…

Nothing to see, move along…


That little sucker didn’t move and I just stood there for probably a minute, until he finally ‘looked’ at me, chittered, and hauled ass up the tree…LOL