Recall Alert…

Daddy Bear has a recall alert up HERE. Appears Thompson Center has some problems.  Read and pass along to any users you know of. Posted from my iPhone. … Continue reading

Teh Funnies…

Willie’s playing my song again… So a little humor for your Friday… The Ocean . . . All You Need To Know Children Writing About the Ocean. The next time you take an oceanography course, you will be totally prepared. … Continue reading

The Dragon strikes again…

Dragon Leatherworks will be opening a brick and mortar store. Yes, we’re growing again! We’ve outgrown our present location, so the decision was made to go full-on brick-and-mortar! A storefront has been selected here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and we’ve … Continue reading

Out of the past…

Sheriff Taylor got it… Now why can’t the idjits in charge (who are supposedly WELL educated) get it??? Sigh… h/t Craig Interesting, this one didn’t post on time either… Seems like a ‘trend’ if it’s even slightly a negative post … Continue reading

When Mommy goes to prison…

It appears Sesame Street has a new initiative… It’s brought to you by the letter P — for prison. PBS’s “Sesame Street” is moving from ABCs and counting numbers to offering its young viewers a bigger lesson in life: how … Continue reading

Military told NOT to read/download leak data…

Here’s the web page… Now before everybody goes ballistic, this is actually correct for a COUPLE of reasons. One, NIPR is a totally unclassified system, e.g NO classified of any kind allowed.  If you’ve looked at the Guardian article, the … Continue reading


Each new scandal brings straw to the camel’s back, and another agency into the public’s eye… Holder refuses to prosecute Black Panthers in Philadelphia for voter intimidation…  DOJ investigates itself and finds no cause for alarm.  DOJ also says they … Continue reading

Calving glacier…

You always hear about the ‘glacier’ tours and it’s a favorite of the cruise ships that go up the inside passage in Alaska… Don’t know that I’d have wanted to be on a ship watching this one… Of course they … Continue reading

The ‘rest’ of the story…

From the mil-email net… There is an email floating around about the Air Force Academy graduation this year that says POTUS refused the invite. Not quite, but it IS correct that the T-Birds, like the Blues are grounded… Here’s the … Continue reading

What if the laws applied to everyone???

Judge Napolitano in the Washington Times… What if government officials have written laws that apply only to us and not to them? What if we gave them the power to protect our freedoms and our safety, and they used that … Continue reading